How did you first hear about Daimon Barber?
I never really had a specific routine - I always tried cosmetics at work, and found myself using the products particular make-up artist should use on set, but never at home. Nothing ever stood out to me particularly. One day, I was on a shoot, and the make-up artist used Daimon Barber - it felt different, and fresh. I then reached out to Louis, Daimon Barber’s Creative Director, telling him how brilliant I thought the products were. We arranged to meet up, he relayed his story to me in person and the rest is history…
What makes Daimon Barber different to other brands?
The meticulous method, the thoughtful composition of the formulas, and the quality of the ingredients.

What is your Desert Island Daimon Barber pick?
The daily moisturiser! My skin goes through a lot - different climates, make-up on set, exercise - and the moisturiser has a restorative feel to it. It feels like supplements for the skin.
What Daimon Barber product would you gift to a family member?
I actually just gave my Old Man the Yuzu Paste - he loves it.
If Daimon Barber could release any product, what would you want it to be?
I had the pleasure of visiting their retreat in Stratford-Upon-Avon, and sampled the unreleased Shampoo and Conditioner. They are going to be special!

What is one step in your routine that you cannot skip in the morning?
Three-minute freezing shower first thing. It’s a game changer.
Reflecting on your career to date, do you have a piece of work which gives you the greatest satisfaction?
It is hard to say, but I do think ‘Cheaters’ for the BBC is up there. Incredibly talented people in every department of the production, who collectively produced a show that was nominated in a number of awards categories.
What do you find inspires creativity in you?
Making sure that on a daily basis you are building towards what you want to achieve. It doesn’t have to be giant steps - incremental progress and discipline wins out every time.
Who would you say has been the most influential person in your life and why?
I am married, so naturally my Wife is my first thought. But spanning my entire life? I would say my Mum. She brought me into this world, and I was holding her hand as she left it.
Do you feel style is important?
I think style is an expression of who you are - your individuality, your uniqueness. It is central.
What five books do you recommend every man should read?
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky Meditations - Marcus Aurelius East of Eden - John Steinbeck
What are your top five Desert Island discs?
My Wife’s music - she’s completely brilliant. Anything Bruce Springsteen. Francis and the Lights. And I love nineties rap and hip-hop.